Albany location:
609 Hickory Street NW
Suite 150
Albany, OR 97321
Eugene location:
1445 willamette street suite 8
eugene, or 97401
If you are a new patient, please call river view family eyecare
Established Vision therapy patients call:
Albany: 541-704-0458
eugene: 541-255-3495
Serving patients in linn, benton, Lane, marion and lincoln counties
Success Stories
(Click each picture to read and "go to link" for more)

"He hasn’t been getting headaches. He also has more control of his lazy eye. We are so thankful for Oregon Vision Development Center!"

"It has been a major change and jump in her vision from the beginning to now."

"Eye no longer “burns” throughout the day"

"My eyes are able to work the way they are supposed to and am able to focus a lot better on other things that I was unable to...Vision Therapy has helped me tremendously!"

"For the first time, my daughter is reaching benchmark levels when she has struggled so much in the past with reading and writing. "

"Since doing vision therapy I feel like my eyes are working much better. "

"I also notice a newly developed confidence in herself which has always been a struggle for her."

"Better coordination, less clumsy, less headaches"

"His reading has improved quite a bit...He is a better basketball player even."

"School has gotten so much easier, from math to writing to reading and just being able to see what is on the board."

She's "a grade level ahead in reading... Has more confidence in herself."

"On January 3rd he was reading barely at a 1st grade level, 20 sessions in, he was reading at a 3rd grade level. Since then, he is reading almost at a 4th grade level."

"She saw significant progress..."

"He can read and wants to read for longer periods of time."

"She LOVES reading!"

"He is comprehending what he reads better."

He gets in a lot less trouble for distracting his classmates at school. He does more and better at schoolwork. His reading level is above what would be expected of him at the end of this year. He now enjoys reading, coloring, and doing puzzles, whereas before he had no interest in those things.

WOW! If I was any kind of writer, you could read for days! Where do I start?! Well, I’m probably going to have to get a second job because all Keeley wants to do is buy books and read! She’s starting to get caught up in school; it will take a while, but she’ll get there! Confidence- holy cow! I’m in awe of how much confidence she has now, sometimes too much if that’s possible! She loves school now as much as any other third grader would. Since therapy, her headaches have gone away...

I have gotten a lot better at telling the difference between whether someone is 5 feet away or 10 feet away.

I expect to see continued improvements as she practices and cements her new “normal” skills. She seems to be able to read easier; the main difference I have noticed is in accuracy, fluency and stamina. She is able to read more quickly and fluidly because she is recognizing more words faster. She doesn’t need to sound out words as often. She still rubs her eyes, but doesn’t get fatigued as quickly.

He learned how to ride a bike. He enjoys reading signs, menus, the radio and books. There has been a dramatic improvement in reading sight words. He no longer is pulled for reading or handwriting support. He completes school assignments in a timely manner. He is also reading on grade level. The work has nice and neat handwriting. At home he initiates reading and writing in his free time. We are so proud of the hard work he has done in the last 35 weeks.

Colby can now focus when going between the board and his schoolwork.

Elliot had a much better year in 2nd grade, and made up for a lot of lost time in her studies, we think. She still does not seek out reading (that will come, we hope and think) but she can demonstrate to us that she can do it pretty well. Her writing is vastly improved. She also seems to have considerably more confidence in her scholastic abilities, which we are extremely happy about. We attribute a lot of this improvement in performance and confidence to getting her vision problems diagnosed.

Matthew’s vision has improved to the point where he no longer needs corrective lenses. More importantly, the headaches have stopped and he can read and concentrate for much longer periods of time. This has helped immensely in school, with homework, and with the SATs. Matthew says his eyes feel better, his reading speed has increased, and he can take in more information when reading.

She has stopped getting up and walking toward the board at school. She doesn’t hesitate to participate in sports or games!

I am relearning how to walk on uneven ground or go down steps and trust what I am seeing. Distance vision is no longer distorted. People are no longer asking me what is wrong with my eyes.

My daughter has blossomed and bloomed in every area of her life. She can read now and is improving rapidly! Her math understanding and performance has been launched forward. She no longer writes mirror image. She has become much more verbal and expresses her feelings, thoughts, dreams, fears, and general chatting. She enjoys playing piano and does well reading music.

I don’t have to re-read anything anymore! I absorb what I am reading and am reading faster. I do not lose my place and get confused anymore. Thank you River View Family Eyecare!

Gage can focus for much longer than he could previously. He is more aware when one of his eyes start to wander. This now only happens with the left eye and doesn’t occur nearly as often as it used to. His fine motor skills have also improved a lot. He still has a hard time writing, but is much better at playing catch and doing other activities that were challenging for him before. Thank you to Stephanie, Jordan, and Clarissa for all of your hard work with our son!

Jaden’s reading has improved greatly as well as his interests in school and reading.

Before vision therapy, my son could not effectively visually track objects, was clumsy/accident prone and had poor eye-hand coordination. He could not follow objects inward to his nose and his eye would turn outward at some point during the attempt. After much hard work and gradual progression of his program, he gained the ability to follow objects inward (convergence) and could even cross his eyes at will. His tracking, focusing and eye hand coordination significantly improved.

Since vision therapy, the most beautiful change that we have seen is in her confidence. She no longer thinks that she is stupid and she is more willing and excited about studying and learning. Her writing skills are 100% improved in such a short time. Math is making more sense and her memory skills are amazing. She also can now quickly adjust her focus when looking far away and then close up. We are so thankful for the changes she has experienced!

Maegan is doing awesome in school. Her reading and comprehension tests jumped significantly. She now reads well above grade level and completes multiple chapter books in a week. Maegan has not had a headache in over a month and no longer comes home exhausted. Her spelling skills are also greatly improved and she is on track with her class. Maegan is now quickly able to do her homework and it is no longer a time consuming battle.

My vision problems started about the same time I changed jobs at age 52. Part of my day was spent reading a series of small numbers and transferring them into a computer. I noticed that it would take a bit to focus clearly on the numbers. I saw my optometrist and he put a prism in one lens of my glasses lenses. It solved the problem, and I was happy, but it didn’t last. Over the years they increased the power of the prism and added one to the other lens...*Click to read more*

My son has grown by leaps and bounds since we started weekly therapy. He has improved so much academically, socially and emotionally! He is a much more fluent reader. His confidence has improved as well and I believe it is because with the progress he has made in vision therapy, he feels like a successful student. His test scores in school are better, his coordination is better. All around/over all, this has been a huge benefit to my son. Thank you so much for all you have done for him!!!

Changes noticed since completing vision therapy: He is doing wonderfully. No more headaches and nausea! His eye is steady and does not turn in even when he is tired. He can write more quickly and neatly and for longer. No more double vision. He loves to play football and frisbee and can catch and throw well. He is so much happier as are we. Thank you Dr. Emmert and everyone at River View!

She spends considerably less time on homework and the headaches are nearly completely gone. I am convinced that if it weren’t for the treatments and therapy she received she would have struggled with her eyes for the rest of her life. Thank you Stephanie and Jordan for your amazing help!

He reads so much better. He will now write an entire page when assigned a writing challenge. His teacher has noticed the improvement.

He reads longer. He is actually a better reader than his 11 year old sister now. Behaviors in class are much better. He is a much happier child, all around.

Jacob now reports he has no problems with words moving on the page. He is much less stressed about school this year. He reports no headaches and his eyes focus easily from board to paper. And I noticed, this year at practice, he can catch a ball! (Another thing he’d never done well and I just attributed it to it not being his talent). It was a great relief to Jake, and to us, to know there was a REASON and that we could do something to fix it! I cannot say enough good things...

Since the vision therapy my son has become a new person. He has advanced two levels in reading and he is improving all across the board in school. Fernando now has the ability and desire to play sports. He is no longer afraid to learn to ride his bike. Fernando is a brand new kid, both physically and mentally. Nothing holds him back.

Raina loves to read now and is testing her reading skills all the time. In the first two months of vision therapy she jumped 3 levels/grades in reading. She even volunteered to be on the "Battle of the Books" team from her classroom. And we have fewer bumps and bruises due to her improved peripheral vision! She is just so much more outgoing and confident!

There's still a whole lot of work to do, but as of now I can drive with confidence, because I can see the whole intersection at the same time. I can do my job much more comfortably and without getting headaches. I can shake hands without jabbing my thumb into their palm. I can see the spaces between things; the sky is endlessly deep, the shape of the land is revealed in the way everything moves as I move. I can really see a little bird because it doesn't "jump around" as I switch eyes.

"Blake doesn't lose his spot when reading, he enjoys reading now."

"There was noticeable improvement in his reading abilities."

"Quicker reading response.."

"She is in the highest reading group in her class!"

"No more double vision or lazy eye."

"Charis is truly flourishing in her reading abilities."

"The words don't swim around on the page anymore."

"Audrey is a much stronger reader... She is much more willing to read and try to sound out words..."